Registration in the BitEffect system

For registration in the BitEffect system and further using it is necessary to do a few simple steps. Registration in the BitEffect system will not take more than 5 minutes, but greatly simplify the process of transferring money from the Czech Republic abroad, and other financial transactions.

Registration in the BitEffect system


On the upper right corner of the site there is a button “login“. Click on it, and you will see two options for logging in: already for registered users (login) and for new users (registration).

Click on the Registration button and fill the empty fields:

  • Name and Surname (in passport – in Latin)
  • Email address (valid – through the email you will receive the registration confirmation)
  • Mobile phone in the format +420 XXX XXX XXX. If you don’t have a Czech number, enter your number in the international format using the correct country code.
  • Citizenship
  • Date of Birth
  • Password (create up the most secure password using numbers, letters and symbols, and also confirm it in the field below for make sure, that you write it correctly.)


Then, read the terms of registration by clicking on the hyperlink Terms and conditions. If you agree to the terms, put a tick to empty field.

To complete the registration process, type the characters you see in the picture, repeating them exactly. If characters are illegible, you can change the picture by clicking the button on the left side of picture.

Click the Register button


Confirmation of registration

After filling in all the fields, you will receive a letter to confirm the registration to your email address. Click on the link in the text of the letter and registration will be confirmed by automatically transfer you to the BitEffect website page. If you have not received a confirmation letter, check if you wrote your email correctly or contact our managers for help.

To log in, enter the ID, which you will find in the text of the mail (5-digit number) and password. If you want to log in not through ID, but through a phone number or email which you wrote during registration, click the Login Options button (located down in login field) and select the option which is better for you.


Example of the correct filling

You can see an example of the correct filling in the picture below. If you have any questions, please contact our manager by phone +420 212 248 271.

Registration in the BitEffect system